It was always “I’ll do it later."

Eventually I told him, “Look, I get that you’re scared, but if you don’t act tonight, it’s like spending a lifetime being afraid of doing the stuff you’ve always wanted to do, because you feel the time isn’t right." When is the time ever going to be right?

Look - so many of us WAIT until SOME DAY to finally take care of our health, to travel, to knock off those bucket list things. But some day never comes, it’s an illusion.

Some day is today - imagine if my friend decided to wait? Waiting for some day means looking in the mirror, hating the feeling of being fat, and then doing nothing about it. Waiting for some day means promising yourself that Europe trip, and then year after year, continuing to promise it. But the greatest lie in life is the "some day" lie.

And the day you realize that "SOME DAY" is actually today, is the day your life changes.

Ready to get started?

- Alexander Heyne