Alex Heynes dives into the idea where we make decisions based on our social self or essential self. Social self is based on social influences, external expectations, others’ decisions, familial obligations, or whatever is the easier and safer route- it’s based on fear. Essential self is based on what you innately feel an affinity towards, your inspiration, simple pleasures, passions, interests, and curiosity despite whatever challenges and hardships required to strive for these joys- it’s based on love and excitement. My mantra has always been to know thyself, and to thine own self be true. And in this regard, in order to not feel lost in life you need to listen to your essential self, not your social self. Follow your inner North Star, your true self, follow your gut, follow your highest excitement, follow your bliss. Spend time in solitude and silence, away from all external influences, to be better attuned to what your essential self really wants.


Morning routine to review the destination goal and course-correct the daily drift. Refocus the aim, retarget the direction, renew the vision. (By Alex Heyne, Modern Health Monk)