Thy body is thy temple. Your meat vehicle. Beauty is power. Darwinism to pick healthy mates. Longer life, more energy. Greater me, is a greater we. Best self can influence everyone around you.
Phy·sique (noun) - the form, size, and development of a person's body. "a sturdy, muscular physique"
Fit·ness (noun) - the condition of being physically fit and healthy. "disease and lack of fitness are closely related"
In a nutshell, fitness is defined as the state of being physically fit and healthy. ... Being fit not only means physical health, but emotional and mental health, too. It defines every aspect of your health. Smart eating and active living are fundamental to fitness.
What are the five types of fitness?
Muscular Strength. This is the “power” that helps you to lift and carry heavy objects. ...
Muscular Endurance. ...
Cardiovascular Endurance. ...
Flexibility. ...
Body Fat Composition.
Definition of Fitness
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical fitness is defined as 'the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and respond to emergencies.
Fave Workouts:
Fitness Blender, 5x5 , p90
Role Models:
Frank Yang, Elliot Hulse,
Four Hour Body, Metabolism Diet, /CICO, documentaries, intermettint fasting, Keto, OMAD,
Health is the new religion. People get up in arms about their beliefs, if they believe in calorie counting or not.
Depends on body types. Each person is different. You can custom your diet with a nutritionist or dietician. Friend hired a dietician. Another reason why knowing yourself is important. It’s like car maintenance.
Salmon on broil, Steamed eggs, Bullet blender, Mealprep glass tupperwears
Sunday mealprep. /mealprep sundays /homegyms /brodine Chick_norris. /flexibility
Yoga hatha neck stretch, hip flexors, leg stretch
Endomorph, Ectomorph.