AMUSE (v.) to keep pleasantly occupied; entertain; to cause to laugh or smile

THE MUSES (n.) the goddesses and genius’ who inspire, evoke, and provoke; forces of inspiration for a creative artist


We are just spiritual beings having a human experience. We are all vessels, conduits for the Muses to pass through from the invisible realm into the physical world. We are vessels made of clay, holding within us the water of life. We are vessels, transferring the blood cells and oxygen to spark the synapse, pump the heart, and to breathe in life. We are vessel, balancing on the ocean waters, transporting cargo from the Muses to the masses. The number one commandment as a human is to KNOW THYSELF. The second commandment is TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE. I believe it’s really important to know yourself. Know what makes you tick, what fuels you, enrages you, drains you, excites you, or inspires you. It’s like having access your owner’s manual. Or a plant care guide. To know the watering frequency or sunlight preference. To know what carrot on a stick will get your ass moving. To know if you’re failure-adverse or success-driven. To know appropriate self-care and maintenance, bespoke uniquely to you. You could be a Ferrari but with an empty tank. It’s important to know who you are and what you’ve been given, so you could really fulfill your potential. And in the end, help the rest of the world reach its potential. Because a greater me, is a greater we.


After reading Simon Sinek’s “Find Your Why”, it made me think about the specific tribe I want to attract. I narrowed down my top 7 values or “core desired feelings”. These top qualifiers, I now can use for everything in life, like for the vibe to attract my tribe, the birds of a feather to flock together.

1. Proud 2.) mind-blowing convos/ideas 3.) humor, laughter 4.) positive attitudes 5.) feeling understood 6.) reliability 7.) being a good person for the greater good.

PROUD Being growth-oriented, having goals, striving for a greater purpose. Someone who is striving to be their best self in accomplishments, character, and knowledge. Demonstrating perseverance and self-discipline to reach actualization.

MIND-BLOWN Having mind-blowing conversations or ideas, thinking of interesting concepts, theories, analogies, philosophies, psychology, pop science, fun facts, technologies, or stories.

Silly. Having a good sense of humor, being ready to laugh, to find the funny in everything, to riff off wordplay or a pun-off, to Someone to be silly with, go off on impersonations, fake accents, or ideas ongoing inside jokes. 

Positive. Positivity mindset. Focusing on the optimistic and positive. Don’t be a Debbie downer, writing the narrative in a negative way. There are always two sides to the coin.

Understood. Empathetic, two-way street. Good listener, active listener, parroting, validation, open-ended questions. Interested in your life too.  Someone I can go to talk about any idea or feeling I have and feel supported and understood.

Secure. Reliable. Don’t flake. Don’t shit talk, be two-faced, disloyal. Do what you say you’re going to do. Follow through. Don’t be sugary sweet one day, then fiery angry the next. No bombs, blowups. Self-controlled, self-aware. Not just flying by the seat of emotions.

Good. Be a good person. Moral grounds. Trying to make the world a better place. Chooses the high road. Wouldn’t do anything dishonest or damaging to someone else. 


